Performance testing is an important and necessary test process to ensure that there are no problems with the performance of the product, such as: long download time, poor response time and poor scalability. In addition, these types of testing activities help to identify bottlenecks that interfere with the operation of the hardware-software platform of the product resource and can lead to significant delays in performance and even to the failure or crash of the resource as a whole. Apache JMeter and BlazeMeter are sufficient automation tools to accelerate and utilize performance-testing processes at this stage. Based on the results of various performance tests, software and hardware engineers will develop and implement a set of measures to improve the performance of both individual modules and the resource as a whole. After the implantation of fixes and updates, as well as to verify performance after scheduled and restoration service work in the hardware-software environment of the product, it is necessary to conduct a regression test for validation of the performance of Microsoft Dynamics 365.