This study developed the Hospitality Industry
Culture Profile (HICP), an instrument to assess
organizational culture, individual values, and
person organization (P-O) fit in hospitality
organizations. The instrument was administered to a
sample of 326 employees representing 34 restaurants
in USA. A seven-factor structure of organizational
culture was identified. A .67 correlation among
culture profiles of 26 restaurants suggests an
industry-wide restaurant culture exists. Then,
perceived organizational culture, preferred
organizational culture, and the P-O fit were
assessed as predictors of job satisfaction, intent
to remain,and willingness to recommend the
organization. Perceived and calculated P-O fit were
assessed. Mixed and limited results in correlating
the measures indicate continuing questions about
measurement of P-O fit. Perceived fit was found to
explain variance in the outcomes beyond that
explained by organizational culture and individual
values, but calculated fit did not. Perceived and
calculated P-O fit explained significant variance in
the outcomes when perceived and
preferred culture were not in the model.
Culture Profile (HICP), an instrument to assess
organizational culture, individual values, and
person organization (P-O) fit in hospitality
organizations. The instrument was administered to a
sample of 326 employees representing 34 restaurants
in USA. A seven-factor structure of organizational
culture was identified. A .67 correlation among
culture profiles of 26 restaurants suggests an
industry-wide restaurant culture exists. Then,
perceived organizational culture, preferred
organizational culture, and the P-O fit were
assessed as predictors of job satisfaction, intent
to remain,and willingness to recommend the
organization. Perceived and calculated P-O fit were
assessed. Mixed and limited results in correlating
the measures indicate continuing questions about
measurement of P-O fit. Perceived fit was found to
explain variance in the outcomes beyond that
explained by organizational culture and individual
values, but calculated fit did not. Perceived and
calculated P-O fit explained significant variance in
the outcomes when perceived and
preferred culture were not in the model.