When I began this thesis journey, I had made some assumptions up front centered around three central transformational questions that I assumed others were striving to discover about themselves. Two findings, in particular, are key to this thesis. One, is the integration of two therapeutic models: psychosynthesis and focusing and two, in the process of doing this work I have attempted to simplify the approach and implementation of these models as they relate to personal transformation in the counselling process. I have come to understand personal transformation as a dynamic, evolving and ongoing process. Personal transformation from my perspective, often occurs in the everyday events and circumstances of life. During this thesis journey, I have discovered that the ultimate goal of personal transformation is the unfolding of our unique story. In the unfolding of our unique story, the answers to the three central transformational questions of this thesis are illuminated. Parker Palmer has said: "Vocation is when our deepest desire meets the world's great need" (Palmer, 2000, p.5). The challenge for me now is to find ways to meet this great need.