The Book Management Modules should be based on Indian corporate realities. This book is an attempt in this direction. It focuses on understanding an Indian manger in terms of his/her personality emerging from such value systems. Psychoanalysis, anthropologists, and host of thinkers have conceptualized two sets of values of India culture: Progressive and regressive. What is the value system internalized by Indian executives? To what extent Indian business organizations permit their executives to apply their internalized values? Which value system - progressive or regressive - is operative in Indian corporate? Does a typical Indian executive represent the progressive face of his/her culture or the regressive side of his/her culture? How do these culture specific values influence a manager s behavior in decision making, power sharing, increasing profitability, enhancing market share, delegation of authority Performance appraisal and in dealing with his / her subordinates/customers/superiors? The book should be useful to all the foreign MNC's which are interested in understanding Indian executives, their culture, and their business practices.