Cynodon dactylon (Family: Gramineae) is an important medicinal plant which is used for treatment of various ailments in Ayurvedic system of medicine like hallucination, epileptic fits, leprosy, scabies, skin diseases and fever. The aqueous fluid extract of the rhizome is used as antiinflammatory, diuretic, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, antioxidant and blood purifying agent. The aerial parts of Cynodon dactylon were reported to contain cynodin, hydrocyanic acid, triticin, and beta-carotene. In my research work flavonoid fraction of Cynodon dactylon offered protective effect against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity by their antioxidant free radical scavenging efficacy in Balb/c and Swiss albino mice and potential immunomodulator of non specific immune response. Phagocytic index and free radial scavenging activity of the extract might be due to the presence of the flavonoids (Quercetin) in Cynodon dactylon.