For too long now Phaic Tan has been closed off to the outside world, a country visited each year by just a handful of hardy travellers, aid agency workers and hostage negotiators. Hot, humid and covered in lush vegetation it is often described as 'The Armpit of South-East Asia'. Quadrille Publishing, in association with Jetlag Travel Guides, are proud to present the first serious introduction to this undiscovered jewel. A fascinating land of contrasts with one foot in the past and another striding determinedly forward, "Phaic Tan" truly is a nation going in circles. The book is packed with information for everyone, from the budget backpacker to the luxury traveller. This invaluable, up-to the-minute guide contains everything you need to plan your trip to Phaic Tan, birthplace of the trouser press and irritable bowel syndrome. About getting there: The national carrier royal Fok Tok Airlines (named after the legendary flightless bird) has worked hard to lift its safety record after a minor incident in 1996 when a plane overshot the runway by 57 kilometres. Where to Stay: The Orient Star Hotel in the capital Bhumpatabumppah, is so luxurious that in every room the mini bar comes complete with a live-in cocktail waiter. The Food: Phaic Tanese cuisine is best described as 'explosive', a flery mix of chilli, garlic and pepper to which food is occasionally added. Etiquette: As in many other Asian countries it is considered rude to point with one's index finger. If you need to indicate a direction or signify something, do so with a series of sharp pelvic thrusts which will generally get the message across.
Wo bitte liegt Phaic Tan und wie kommt man dorthin? Ein unverzichtbarer Reiseführer für dieses bisher noch unentdeckte asiatische Land, mit vielen hilfreichen Tipps und Informationen, herausgegeben von den Autoren von "Molvania".
Wo bitte liegt Phaic Tan und wie kommt man dorthin? Ein unverzichtbarer Reiseführer für dieses bisher noch unentdeckte asiatische Land, mit vielen hilfreichen Tipps und Informationen, herausgegeben von den Autoren von "Molvania".