Erhard Weigel (1625-1699), bedeutender Mathematiker und Astronom, wirkte als Professor der Mathematik von 1653 bis 1699 an der Universität Jena. Er veröffentlichte etwa 50 Dissertationen und wissenschaftliche Werke. Durch seine mathematischen und astronomischen Kenntnisse, die er anschaulich darzustellen wußte, zahlreiche Erfindungen, seine pädagogischen Vorhaben und durch den Einsatz für die Gregorianische Kalenderreform in den protestantischen Ländern, verbunden mit der Gründung einer wissenschaftlichen Akademie, hat er sich einen Platz in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte gesichert. Gegen Ende seiner wissenschaftlichen Schaffenszeit interessierte er sich zunehmend für philosophische Fragestellungen, wie es die nun im Nachdruck vorgelegte Philosphia mathematica zeigt. Dieses Werk gehört zu den Arbeiten, aus denen Christian Wolff wiederholt geschöpft hat, und denen er Anregungen und Argumentationshilfen verdankt.
Erhard Weigel (1625-1699), the important mathematician and astronomer, taught mathematics at Jena University from 1653 to 1699. He published about 50 doctoral theses and scientific essays. His knowledge of mathematics and astronomy and his ability to explain complex information comprehensibly, his numerous inventions, his educational projects, his support of the Gregorian calendar reform in the Protestant countries and the foundation of an academy of sciences established his importance to the history of sciences. In his late scientific career, he became increasingly interested in philosophical questions, which is demonstrated by this reprint of the Philosophia mathematica, a permanent source of inspiration to Christian Wolff.
Erhard Weigel (1625-1699), the important mathematician and astronomer, taught mathematics at Jena University from 1653 to 1699. He published about 50 doctoral theses and scientific essays. His knowledge of mathematics and astronomy and his ability to explain complex information comprehensibly, his numerous inventions, his educational projects, his support of the Gregorian calendar reform in the Protestant countries and the foundation of an academy of sciences established his importance to the history of sciences. In his late scientific career, he became increasingly interested in philosophical questions, which is demonstrated by this reprint of the Philosophia mathematica, a permanent source of inspiration to Christian Wolff.