Libraries have served humanity by transferring intellect of a generation to contemporary and following generations. Various formats of records from clay tablets to digital tablets and from papyrus rolls to web scrolls have endowed the mortal minds with immortality. Similarly, the underlying philosophy and framework of collecting these sources have expanded through the ages. This is the first study that aims to(i)trace out the developments occurred in the philosophy and framework of collection management(CM) from the antiquity to the present age (ii) make an appraisal of the status of CM in university libraries of Pakistan. It consists of six chapters: Introduction; Literature Review; Research Design; Data Analysis(quantitative) Data Analysis (qualitative)and Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. The relationship between philosophy and framework will enlighten interested reader. The work offers significant value for students, teachers and researchers interested in exploring the professional philosophy, role of libraries, aims of collections, digital divide and much more.It will serve as a blueprint in investigating further dimensions of the field in both worlds.