Julian ReissPhilosophy of Economics
A Contemporary Introduction
Julian Reiss is Professor of Philosophy at Durham University. He has a degree in economics and finance from the University of St Gallen and a PhD in philosophy from the London School of Economics. His main research interests are methodologies of the sciences, philosophy of economics, and science and values. He is the author of Error in Economics: Towards a More Evidence-Based Methodology (2008), Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction (2013), and some 40 papers in leading philosophy and social science journals and edited collections.
Chapter 1. The Why, What, and How of Philosophy of Economics Part 1:
Interpreting Economic Theory Chapter 2: Explaining Economic Phenomena Part
1-A: Rationality Chapter 3: Rational Choice Theory Chapter 4: Game Theory
Part 1-B: Causality Chapter 5: Causation and Causal Tendencies Chapter 6:
Mechanisms Part 1-C: Models Chapter 7: Models, Idealisation, Explanation
Part 2: Methodology Chapter 8: Measurement Chapter 9: Econometrics Chapter
10: Experiments Chapter 11: Evidence-Based Policy Part 3: Ethics Chapter
12: Welfare and Well-Being Chapter 13: Markets and Morals Chapter 14:
Inequality and Distributive Justice Chapter 15: Behavioral Economics and
Nudge Bibliography