This book focuses on innovative light to all fields of medicines. The book consists of the working philosophy of all medicines, including vaccine, physical and yogic exercises; designing perfect school of medicines in allopathic system; a simple fast and cheap diagnostic system; vaccine and medicine preparing from the living bad elements or pathogens in a patient; proved homeopathic medicine scientific; nanotechnology principle using in homeopathic medicine; working of animal and human brain; different parts of the human brain; function of the human brain with the help of brain memories (short term memory and long term memory) and processors (chips); various memory models; explanation of dream; comparison human and animal brain; different human brain diseases with treatment. This book also enlightens on manufacturing Covid-19 disease vaccine and medicine by the blood or plasma or cell of a Covid-19 recovered person; medicine made by the sputum (cough) of a patient for treatment of his/her Covid-19 and other diseases in respiratory system like Bronchitis, Influenza, Pneumonia, TB, Cancer etc.; environmental pollution and health effects created by 3G, 4G and 5G mobile communications.