This book quantify the response of T. vogelii fallow to Minjingu Phosphate Rock (MPR) application on an acidic, P deficient Ferralsol. The quality and quantity of T. vogelii biomass depended on P application, while combined application of T. vogelii biomass and MPR significantly increased maize yields, but depressed Pi-P in the incubation study. Decomposition of T. vogelii biomass was significantly increased only in the first 28 days by MPR application and was not effected thereafter. Minjingu PR application at fallow establishment significantly increased the quantity and quality of T. vogelii biomass, total inorganic-N and Pi-P in the fallows. Subsequent to fallows, application of T. vogelii fallow biomass or combined with MPR significantly increased total inorganic-N. The Pi-P, earleaf N and P concentrations, soil pH, exchangeable Ca and maize yields were significantly increased by application of MPR at fallow establishment and by combined MPR with fallow biomass. Application of MPR on a strongly acid P deficient Ferralsol improves the quantity and quality of T. vogelii fallows and subsequent maize yields.