Please read this book carefully because it is not an ordinary book about Physics or Special Education. I hope at the end of finishing the book, you will see an alternative approach which may change our educational system totally. We design textbooks, labs, and assessment tools for "normal students" but in fact there is no "normal students" and all of us are exceptional learners from different perspectives. Moreover when we support blind learners with different materials or/and methods, we also support other sighted learner's tactile and auditory abilities. Each example from different branches of physics in this book indicate we will see how small changes can be taken with great results. I generally use the term "Butterfly Effect in Education" for this situation. I found the answer of why we fail in Education during the preparation of this book. We are all focused on normal learner but all of them are unique. Therefore we must change our sight from normal learners to learners withspecial needs.