Paul Hutchinson (b. Berlin, 1987; lives and works in Berlin) makes art that scrutinizes phenomena he observes in the environment of his daily life. His photographs show moments of intimacy, small imperfections of reality, and everyday urban situations. Striking a balance between poetic fragility and a certain rawness of existence, Hutchinson's pictures examine the meanings we give to our sociocultural and sometimes accidental encounters. Many shots spotlight the individual with his or her vulnerability and flaws as well as distinctive beauty.
This book, the artist's first, includes samples of his own writing, including lyrical soliloquies that reflect on scenes from his youth that struck and still strike him as peculiar, as well as sketches of his perceptions people's interactions.
In pictures as well as words, Hutchinson expertly uncovers the seeds of moving stories that lie dormant in seemingly fleeting instants.
This book, the artist's first, includes samples of his own writing, including lyrical soliloquies that reflect on scenes from his youth that struck and still strike him as peculiar, as well as sketches of his perceptions people's interactions.
In pictures as well as words, Hutchinson expertly uncovers the seeds of moving stories that lie dormant in seemingly fleeting instants.
Paul Hutchinsons hinreißendes Buch "Pictures and Words" ist Poetry-Slam für die Augen: ein Bildgewitter, in dessen Verlauf die unterschiedlichen Motive von Freunden und Blumen über den Rinnstein und verwilderte Stadtlandschaften bis zu Architektur und Rapper-Mode aufblitzen, deren Abfolge aber unterbrochen wird von einem Donnergroll schräger Verse zerhackter Reime, die auf den Leser niederknüppeln wie die Ansprüche, die das Leben von den Menschen angeblich verlangt, denen der Dichter sich aber zu entziehen versucht. Und dann sagt er diesen prophetischen Satz: "And now that you put on all your masks / I don't know what more to ask." (F.L.)
"Pictures and Words" von Paul Hutchinson. Distanz Verlag, Berlin 2019. 228 Seiten, 143 Farbabbildungen. Broschiert, 34,90 Euro.
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