Joseph Tobin is the Nadine Mathis Basha Professor of Early Childhood Education at Arizona State University. He is the author of “Good Guys Don’t Wear Hats”: Children’s Talk about the Media, editor of Making a Place for Pleasure in Early Childhood Education, and coauthor of Preschool in Three Cultures: Japan, China, and the United States.
I. Contexts and Issues
1. Introduction / Joseph Tobin 3
2. Structure, Agency, and Pedagogy in Children's Media Culture / David
Buckingham and Julian Sefton-Green 1
3. Cuteness as Japan's Millennial Product / Anne Allison 34
II Global Circulation
4. How "Japanese" Is Pokemon? / Kiochi Iwabuchi 53
5. Localizing the Pokemon TV Series for the American Market / Hirofumi
Katsuno and Jeffery Maret 80
6. Panic Attacks: Anti-Pokemon voices in Global Markets / Christine R. Yano
III Places and Practices
7. Initiation Rites: A Small Boy in a Poke-World / Julian Sefton-Green 141
8. Pokemon in Israel / Dafna Lemish and Linda-Renee Bloch 165
9. How Much Is a Pokemon Worth? Pokemon in France / Gilles Brougere 187
IV Pokemon Goes to School
10. Localizing Pokemon through Narrative Play / Helen Bromley 211
11. The Multiple Identities of Pokemon Fans / Rebekah Willett 226
12. Masculinity, Maturity, and the End of Pokemon / Samuel Tobin 241
13. Conclusion: The Rise and Fall of the Pokemon Empire / Joseph Tobin 257
Contributors 293
Index 295