It is said about hemorrhoids or piles that it is common for about 5 out of 10 people to have this disease. The causes of this disease are also very common. In this disease, there is swelling in the inner and outer part of the anus of the person, due to which the skin in the inner part of the anus accumulates and takes the shape of a wart. These warts can be inside the anus as well as outside. If it is not taken care of in the beginning, then its size increases, they start bleeding and pain also starts. The patient also starts having trouble sitting. Many times due to embarrassment, people do not pay attention in the beginning, after which the problem gets worse. There can be many reasons for piles - due to constipation, the stomach is not cleared and bowel movements have to be forced, due to which the problem of piles occurs. Obesity, sitting or working for a long time while standing can also cause piles. If someone in the family has piles, then your risk of getting them also increases. Nowadays people sit on the toilet seat with mobiles for a long time, this habit can also cause piles. Excessive oil, spices, irregular eating habits, lack of water can also be responsible for piles. After all, how to get rid of this evil disease like piles? I have discussed this in detail in the book. Despite this, what if you have piles? This curiosity of yours has also been solved in simple words in the book. A simple and succinct book about piles disease.