Der Band präsentiert ausgewählte Fotografien aus einer Sammlung historischer Palästinabilder, die die Theologischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (heute Humboldt-Universität) 1927 aus dem Nachlass Hugo Greßmanns erworben hat. Die Aufnahmen sind für Kunsthistoriker, Archäologen, Theologen und für alle Orientliebhaber eine reiche Fundgrube. Gezeigt werden Baudenkmäler, archäologische Stätten und Landschaftsaufnahmen, aber auch landwirtschaftliche Verfahren aus vorindustrieller Zeit und Menschen in ihren damaligen Lebenszusammenhängen. Bei vielen Bildern wird das Interesse der Forscher und Fotografen deutlich, Motive und Gegenstände mit einem biblischen Hintergrund zu verbinden. Durch einleitende Essays werden die Fotografien und ihre Absichten interpretiert und ihr ereignis- und mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Kontext berücksichtigt.Der Band schließt mit einem Reisebericht des Lehrers und Organisten G. Schrenk von den Schneller-Schulen, der von 1912 bis 1914 das Heilige Land bereiste.
[Pilgrims, Researchers, Adventurers. The Holy Land in Early Photographs of the Greßmann Collection]
This volume presents a selection of photographs from the collection of historical pictures of Palestine, which were taken at the beginning of the 20th century. The collection was aquired 1927 from the Theological Faculty of the Friedrich-Wilhems-University (today Humboldt University) from the estate of Hugo Greßmann. The photographs are a rich source for art historians, acheaologists, theologians and for those interested in the culture of the Near East. Shown are historic buildings, archaeological sites, landscape photography and agricultural procedures from the preindustrial time. Furthermore it shows people in their context of life and living environment at that time. In many pictures one can see clearly the interest and question of the researcher and photographer to combine motivs and objects with biblical background. The photographs and their intentions are interpreted through introductory essays, also regarding their history of events and mentality.This volume ends with a first-time edited travel report of the Swabian teacher and organist G. Schrenk, who visited the Holy Land between 1912 and 1914.
[Pilgrims, Researchers, Adventurers. The Holy Land in Early Photographs of the Greßmann Collection]
This volume presents a selection of photographs from the collection of historical pictures of Palestine, which were taken at the beginning of the 20th century. The collection was aquired 1927 from the Theological Faculty of the Friedrich-Wilhems-University (today Humboldt University) from the estate of Hugo Greßmann. The photographs are a rich source for art historians, acheaologists, theologians and for those interested in the culture of the Near East. Shown are historic buildings, archaeological sites, landscape photography and agricultural procedures from the preindustrial time. Furthermore it shows people in their context of life and living environment at that time. In many pictures one can see clearly the interest and question of the researcher and photographer to combine motivs and objects with biblical background. The photographs and their intentions are interpreted through introductory essays, also regarding their history of events and mentality.This volume ends with a first-time edited travel report of the Swabian teacher and organist G. Schrenk, who visited the Holy Land between 1912 and 1914.