Sex and the single mother ... doesn't exist! And I, Claire Marsh, should certainly know, because these days my to-do list looks like this: Bring daughter Zoé to a birthday party, where twenty second-graders will be encouraged to play ice hockey. Help Zoé with impossible school projects -- just how is she supposed to create a complete ancient Irish village? Bring Zoé on a series of play dates with obnoxious kids. Hope that their nannies are actually paying attention, because their Upper East Side mothers and Wall Street fathers sure aren't. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my daughter. She was the best thing that came out of my marriage. (What can I say about a guy who dumped me for an older woman?) But there's something seriously wrong when my daughter -- and my thirty-year-old sister -- have better social lives than I do. After all, I'm in my twenties; I'm still cute! When do I get my very own play date?
With her sharp wit and riveting style, Leslie Carroll plunges us deep into the world of the overscheduled children of New York, and the oversexed, over-lipoed, overpaid people who raise them -or pay their nannies! What happens when a trophy wife gets turned in for someone even younger, blonder, and prettier? Claire Marsh doesn't take it lying down. She may have lost both husband and housekeeper in the horrible divorce, but even if she's not able to keep living in the manner to which she's accustomed, she'll do what it takes so that her daughter will--with a little help from her slightly wild, slightly out-of-control sister MiMi.
With her sharp wit and riveting style, Leslie Carroll plunges us deep into the world of the overscheduled children of New York, and the oversexed, over-lipoed, overpaid people who raise them -or pay their nannies! What happens when a trophy wife gets turned in for someone even younger, blonder, and prettier? Claire Marsh doesn't take it lying down. She may have lost both husband and housekeeper in the horrible divorce, but even if she's not able to keep living in the manner to which she's accustomed, she'll do what it takes so that her daughter will--with a little help from her slightly wild, slightly out-of-control sister MiMi.