In 2023, the Republic of Belarus maintained stable positions of the country's socio-economic development. At the end of 11 months, the gross domestic product growth rate amounted to almost four percent. At the same time, almost all sectors continued to grow: industry, construction, and agriculture. And investments in fixed capital increased at a record pace for the last five years - by almost 14 percent. High demand for Belarusian products in foreign markets continued in 2023. Suffice it to say that exports from Belarus remain at an 11-year high. This is facilitated by increased sales in Asia, Latin America, and China. In 2024, Belarusian exports to the countries of the far arc are planned to increase to almost four billion dollars. We are talking about supplies of food products, machinery, equipment, chemical products. Among the measures that will have to solve this task is the organization of exhibitions and expositions Made in Belarus in various countries. What measures are taken by Belarusian exporters in this regard in order to utilize all the opportunities? This is the subject of the proposed study.