This work, entitled Political Awareness and Exercise of Citizenship in Mozambique: Case of the Municipal Village of Macia, 2009-2013, presents the possible causes of the trend of increasing absenteeism from elections in the country with the focus of analysis of the Municipal Village of Macia. Thus, the objective of this work was to establish a relationship between the citizen's civic awareness and the increase in the rates of abstention from voting in municipal elections. The study was supported by the qualitative method in the dialectical aspect. The survey showed that although there was a significant reduction in voter absenteeism compared to the 2009 results by 7.1%, a large proportion of voters of working age in the order of 48% ignored one of the main requirements that could lead them to the polling station. The data shows that a large proportion of those interviewed, despite tending in the same direction, are aware of the significance of the vote. A number of residents pointed to non-compliance with electoral manifests and the way in which candidates are nominated/nominated as the main cause of abstention from voting.