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The book examines the current state of affairs concerning the political recognition and constitutional accommodation of national plurality in liberal democracies in the global era of the 21st century. It features case studies on Belgium, Canada, Spain, UK and the European Union.

The book examines the current state of affairs concerning the political recognition and constitutional accommodation of national plurality in liberal democracies in the global era of the 21st century. It features case studies on Belgium, Canada, Spain, UK and the European Union.
Miquel Caminal i Badia is professor of Political Science at Universitat de Barcelona. He received the PhD Prize (1984). Among his publications are: El federalismo pluralista. Del federalismo nacional al federalismo plurinacional. Paidós, Barcelona, 2002. Nacionalisme i partits nacionals a Catalunya, Empúries, Barcelona, 1998. "El pujolisme i la ideologia nacionalista de CDC" a J.B. Culla (ed), El Pal de paller. CDC (1974-2000), Pòrtic, 2001. "La llengua catalana i la reforma dels Estatuts". Revista de Llengua i Dret, núm 47, 2007. "Una lectura republicana i federal de l'autodeterminació" Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, núm 5, 2007. "Dimensiones del nacionalismo" a Fernando Quesada (ed), Ciudad y ciudadanía, editorial Trotta, 2008. Ferran Requejo is Professor of Political Science at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). His main fields of research are theories of democracy, federalism, multinational democracies, political theory and political liberalism after World War II. In 1997 he was awarded the Rudolf Wildenmann Prize (ECPR); in 2002 he received the Ramon Trias Fargas Prize; and in 2006 the Spanish Political Science Association Prize for the best book (Routledge 2005). Moreover, he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Political Research (1997-2003). He has also been in charge of the PhD-programme on Political and Social Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra university (1993-2001). He has also been a member of the Spanish Electoral Board (Junta Electoral Central, 2004-2008) and a regular contributor to the newspaper "La Vanguardia" (Barcelona). Among his recent works are: Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism (Routledge 2005), Democracy, Nationalism and Multiculturalism (Routledge 2005, edit with R. Maiz); Las democracias (Ariel 2008); Desigualtats en democràcia (Eumo 2009), Pluralisme i autogovern al món. Per unes democracies de qualitat (Eumo, 2005); Federalisme Plurinacional i Estat de les Autonomies (Proa, 2003); Democracy and National Pluralism (ed) (Routledge, 2001; Spanish version, Ariel 2002); "Federalism and the Quality of Democracy in Plurinational Contexts: Present Shortcomings and Possible Improvements", in U. Amoretti-N. Bermeo (eds), Federalism, Unitarianism and Territorial Cleavages, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004; "Federalism and National Groups", International Social Sciences Journal, 2001; "Political liberalism in multinational states: the legitimacy of plural and asymmetrical federalism" in A Gagnon-J.Tully (eds) Multinational Democracies, Cambridge University Press, 2001; "National Pluralism and Federalism. Four Political Scenarios for Spanish Plurinational Democracy", Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 2001; "Cultural Pluralism, Nationalism, and Federalism. A Revision of Democratic Citizenship in Plurinational States", European Journal for Political Research, 1999; European Citizenship, Multiculturalism and the State (Nomos,1998; edited with U. Preuss).