Through the Internet, a number of web technologies have emerged. One technology that is making waves with regard to information sharing and communication is the social media networks. The advent of online technologies has brought a paradigm shift from newspaper, magazine, radio and television to social media. The accessibility of internet enabled sites has been made easy with the aid of mobile phone. The revolution of social media has cut across all facets of society with its positive and negative impacts. Social media has transformed and impacted on political institution. With pervasiveness of the internet enabled devices, the need arises for social media to be utilised efficiently during elections. The traditional mass media are no longer adequate in educating electorate on election matters. So, this book explains the place of social media during electioneering campaigns. The analysis sheds light on how politicians or anyone else should use positive or white propaganda in influencing the electorate to vote for a particular candidate during elections as well as using social media to educate voters on election matters.