Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beiträge zu politischem Graffiti aus kunst-, kultur- und sprachwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Dabei geht es nicht nur um Graffiti mit politischen Themen und politischer Wirkungsabsicht, sondern auch um sozio-politische Aspekte von vordergründig unpolitisch erscheinenden Spielarten des Graffiti. Einem weiten Graffiti-Begriff folgend, der auch die Grenzbereiche zur Street Art einschließt, werden Beispiele vom 20. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart interdisziplinär in den Blick genommen und diskutiert.
The present volume assembles contributions on political graffiti from an artistic, cultural and linguistic perspective. The volume not only deals with graffiti on political issues and political goals but also with social-political aspects of apparently unpolitical types of graffiti. Following a broader concept of graffiti which also includes the borderlines of street art, samples from the 20th century to modern days are being highlighted and discussed.
The present volume assembles contributions on political graffiti from an artistic, cultural and linguistic perspective. The volume not only deals with graffiti on political issues and political goals but also with social-political aspects of apparently unpolitical types of graffiti. Following a broader concept of graffiti which also includes the borderlines of street art, samples from the 20th century to modern days are being highlighted and discussed.