Frontmatter -- Introduction / NAG, MONI -- PART ONE: Kinship, Marriage, and Fertility -- Marriage and Kinship in Relation to Human Fertility / NAG, MONI -- Age Differential, Marital Instability, and Venereal Disease: Factors Affecting Fertility among the Northwest Barma / REYNA, S. P. -- Cultural Factors Inhibiting Population Growth among the Kafa of Southwestern Ethiopia / ORENT, AMNON -- Some Aspects of Socioeconomic Change and Fertility Control among the Emerging Elite of the Pathans / ELAHI, KARAM -- The Economic Importance of Children in a Javanese Village / WHITE, BENJAMIN -- Factors Underlying Endogamous Group Size / ADAMS, JOHN W. / KASAKOFF, ALICE BEE -- PART TWO: Population Policy and Family Planning -- Birth Planning: Between Neglect and Coercion / POLGAR, STEVEN -- Legislation Influencing Fertility in Czechoslovakia / VIDLÁKOVA, OLGA -- The Marginal Family in Chile: Social Change and Woman s Contraceptive Behavior / GONZÁLES-CORTÉS, GERARDO / ERRÁZURIZ, MARGARITA MARÍA -- Kinship, Contraception and Family Planning in the Iranian City of Isfahan / GULICK, JOHN / GULICK, MARGARET E. -- Mass Acceptance of Vasectomy: The Role of Social Interaction and Incentives in Social Change / DUBEY, D. C. / BARDHAN, A. -- PART THREE: Migration -- Families to the City: A Study of Changing Values, Fertility, and Socioeconomic Status among Urban In-migrants / SCRIMSHAW, SUSAN C. -- Residential Patterns and Population Movement into the Farmlands of Yorubaland / OLUSANYA, PHILIP O. -- Biographical Notes -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects