Population is the basic resource and, therefore, its impact on overall development becomes the key factor in local-level planning. The interplay of various socio-economic factors responsible for the population distribution and characteristics decides the population-resource dynamics in the micro-level studies. Population characteristics and socio-economic factors determine the level of development in the micro-level planning. Socio-economic development is a process of betterment for a larger human group and includes both, economic development and social transformation. Development is a multi-dimensional phenomenon which includes economic efficiency, education, health services, degree of modernization, status of women, quality of housing, distribution of goods and services as well as accessibility both in terms of transportation and communication. The focus of study is on various socio-economic aspects of development such as education, health, sanitation, women empowerment, agriculture, and industry. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the population change and socio-economic development.