George J Demko, Dartmouth College; Grigory Ioffe, Radford University; Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Labor
Preface Overview * Age Structures of the Former Soviet Republics Victoria
A. Velkoff. * The Demographic Situation in Post-Soviet Russia Victor
Perevedentsev. Basic Demographic Processes * Fertility and Nuptiality in
Russia: Problems and Prospects Sergey Zakharov. * Russian Mortality: Past
Negative Trends and Recent Improvements Anatoly Vishnevsky and Vladimir
Shkolnikov. * The Geodemography of Infant Mortality in the Soviet Union,
1950-1990 Barbara A. Anderson and Brian D. Silver. Migration and Conflict *
Recent Migration Trends in Russia Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya. * Chinese
Demographic Expansion into Russia: Myth or Inevitability? Zhanna
Zayonchkovskaya. * Potential Migration of Russian Speaking Population from
Central Asia to Russia Galina Vitkovskaya. * The Causes and
Demographic-Social Consequences of Inter-Ethnic and Regional Conflicts in
the Post-Soviet Union Vladimir Mukomel and Emil Payin. Urban and Rural
Processes * Turning Points and Trends in Russias Urbanization Olga
Medvedkov and Yuri Medvedkov. * Rural Population Change and Agriculture
Grigory Ioffe and Tatyana Nefedova. * Conclusion