Officially accepted by the authorities as a crisis that posed a major threat to public health, the pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus produced a deep paralysis in the world economy and, in particular, in Brazil. For the Paula Souza Center, the challenges were on the agenda and with the urgency required by the dramatic nature of the unusual situation. Because, with the decree of horizontal confinement by the São Paulo authorities, face-to-face classes had to be suspended and replaced by remote ones.Without a shadow of a doubt, we can say that 2020 and 2021 were two long years of unlimited effort and intense learning on our part. We overcame all the difficulties and managed to deliver remote classes to our entire student body, without losing the quality of teaching.The reader can see the crossroads we faced at the beginning of 2022, with the resumption of face-to-face teaching activities. We also suspected that the two long years of pandemic confinement had caused economic, social and pedagogical consequences for our student body.