Among oil seed crops sunflower has shown great potential to improve the edible oil production because of its high oil content and wider adaptability to soils and climatic conditions. Proper nutrition and plant population are important component of the package of production technology which may vary with the variety / hybrid. The use of chemical fertilizers has been confined to the application of nitrogen and phosphorus and no due attention has been paid to the application of potassium. The role of potash is well documented in various metabolic processes, increasing crop yield and improving the quality of produce. Plant population may vary in tall and dwarf types. The objective of maintaining plant population and row spacing (nutritional area / plant) is to ensure maximum interception of sunlight by the crop, thus optimizing rate of photosynthesis. In this book attempt has been made to provide information on potassium management for high yield and quality oil of sunflower. This book serve as reference book for students, teachers, researchers and those engaged in the cultivation of sunflower.