With the advent of power semiconductor switching devices, like thyristors, GTO's (Gate Turn off thyristors), IGBT's (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and many more devices, control of electric power has become a reality. Such power electronic controllers are widely used to feed electric power to electrical loads, such as adjustable speed drives (ASD's), furnaces, computer power supplies, HVDC systems etc. The power electronic devices due to their inherent non-linearity draw harmonic and reactive power from the supply. In three phase systems, they could also cause unbalance and draw excessive neutral currents. The power system is subjected to various transients like voltage sags, swells, flickers etc. This book addresses the need of power quality improving specifically with respect to harmonic minimization using AI techniques using MATLAB/SIMULINK as tool for modeling, analysis, simulation and optimization. This work is aimed for utilization by researchers and industrialists. Apart from this it will be especially relevant and useful for the students of Electrical engineering for carrying out research in this area.
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