Every member of the dental team practices forensic
dentistry on a daily basis. Forensic dentistry is of
major importance in body identification in criminal
investigations and in identifying badly damaged
victims of mass disasters; it also includes
identifying and analyzing bite marks; personal
injury analysis; and dental malpractice analysis. In
each of these areas, forensic dentistry provides the
Court with necessary evidence to make sound legal
decisions. This book provides readers with a
practical guide to the everyday practice of forensic
dentistry by covering body identification by dental
means and bite mark evidence collection and
analysis. Civil litigation also is covered in
sections on personal injury and dental malpractice
analysis with basic and complex cases
presented. Action chapters are provided with check
lists of what needs to be available for morgue and
field work as well as for court appearances. Part
II, Forensic Dentistry in Action, has numerous case
notes and photographs of actual forensic
investigations. These examples confirm the vital
role the forensic dentist and dental auxiliaries can
play in civil and criminal investigations.
dentistry on a daily basis. Forensic dentistry is of
major importance in body identification in criminal
investigations and in identifying badly damaged
victims of mass disasters; it also includes
identifying and analyzing bite marks; personal
injury analysis; and dental malpractice analysis. In
each of these areas, forensic dentistry provides the
Court with necessary evidence to make sound legal
decisions. This book provides readers with a
practical guide to the everyday practice of forensic
dentistry by covering body identification by dental
means and bite mark evidence collection and
analysis. Civil litigation also is covered in
sections on personal injury and dental malpractice
analysis with basic and complex cases
presented. Action chapters are provided with check
lists of what needs to be available for morgue and
field work as well as for court appearances. Part
II, Forensic Dentistry in Action, has numerous case
notes and photographs of actual forensic
investigations. These examples confirm the vital
role the forensic dentist and dental auxiliaries can
play in civil and criminal investigations.