Even the most casual reader leafing through the pages of this book will quickly realize that it is not the thoughts of one indi vidual set down on paper, but rather the synergism of many people. Herbert Goeler of American Cyanamid and Keith Slater of Johns-Manville, the latter now retired, are certainly the brightest stars in my particular customer service galaxy. They have been well-springs of information, thinkers and thought starters, friends and fellow-believers, for almost two decades. Without the encouragement and inspiration they gave me, this book would be much shorter and far less relevant. In 1984, my firm presented Herb and Keith with our special "Patron Saint" Award; it doesn't say nearly enough for what they have meant to me personally and, through me, to the field of customer service management where I disseminate ideas and guidance as an editor and teacher. Some years ago, the American Management Associations asked me to chair a series of seminars on Customer Service Management in the U. S. and Canada. Through this activity I met many wonderful people who in many cases taught me more than I taught them.