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The essays in this volume are from the First Conference of the Central European Pragmatist Forum, held in Slovakia in 2000. Written by prominent specialists in pragmatism and American philosophy from the United States and Europe, they survey contemporary thinking on classical and contemporary pragmatism, social and political theory, aesthetics, and the application of pragmatist thought in contemporary Europe.
Table of contents:
Foreword by Peter H. Hare
Preface by John Ryder and Emil ViÜnovský
Pragmatism in its Contexts
ONE Joseph MARGOLIS: The Master Economies of

The essays in this volume are from the First Conference of the Central European Pragmatist Forum, held in Slovakia in 2000. Written by prominent specialists in pragmatism and American philosophy from the United States and Europe, they survey contemporary thinking on classical and contemporary pragmatism, social and political theory, aesthetics, and the application of pragmatist thought in contemporary Europe.

Table of contents:
Foreword by Peter H. Hare
Preface by John Ryder and Emil ViÜnovský
Pragmatism in its Contexts
ONE Joseph MARGOLIS: The Master Economies of Pragmatism
TWO John RYDER: American Philosophy in Post-Communist Europe
THREE Emil VIŠNOVSKÝ: Pragmatism and Our Cultural Identity
FOUR Jaroslav HROCH: American Pragmatism and Neo-Pragmatism in Their Affinities with European Philosophical Hermeneutics
FIVE Etala FARKAŠOVÁ and Mariana SZAPUOVÁ: Chances for an Alliance Between Pragmatism and Feminism
SIX Russell B. GOODMAN: Wittgenstein and James: Pragmatism and Will
SEVEN Zdenka KALNICKÁ: Metaphors in Pragmatist Texts: What Can They Reveal About Their Values
EIGHT Vladimír ZEMAN: Expectations Which Have Not Materialised? The Track Record of Pragmatism from Karel Capek to Our Times
Pragmatism in Culture and Society
NINE James CAMPBELL: The Centrality of Community to Democracy
TEN Tom ROCKMORE: Rorty, Philosophy, and Social Hope
ELEVEN Michael ELDRIDGE: Pragmatism's Elusive Life-Enhancing Social Philosophy
TWELVE Phillip McREYNOLDS: Dewey's Ideal of Scientific Democracy: Where are We Headed?
THIRTEEN Shannon SULLIVAN: Race, Space and Place: Deweyan Reflections on Racism and Roma
Pragmatism in Sciences and Arts
FOURTEEN Jane SKINNER: Rorty, Science and Meaning: The Dangers for Democracy
FIFTEEN Chet BOWERS: The Double Binds in using Dewey's Epistemology to address Eco-Justice Issues
SIXTEEN Pedro RODRÍGUEZ: The Pragmatist Strikes Back: Rorty, Derrida and the "Literary" Critique of Postmodernism
SEVENTEEN Giovanni MADDALENA: Abduction: A Bridge between Analytics and Hermeneutics
EIGHTEEN Igor HANZEL: Hegel's Science of Logic vs. Carnap's Logic of Science: On the Conflict Between the Analytic and Dialectical Tradition in Philosophy
NINETEEN Krystyna WILKOSZEWSKA: Dewey's Philosophy of Art as a Challenge for European Aesthetics
TWENTY Leszek KOCZANOWICZ and Agata SYPNIEWSKA: Aethetic Ethics: Self-Creation, Community and the Other
About the Editors and Contributors