James Bradley Shumard is an Episcopal priest who has served congregations in Georgia and Wyoming for over twenty-five years. He has led a variety of seminars on baptism and has served on church-wide and diocesan committees on Christian education. Shumard holds degrees from Rhodes College, the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Episcopal Divinity School, and Sewanee School of Theology. He lives in Casper, Wyoming.
Introduction: Why This Book and Why Baptism?
Baptism Is a Lifelong Journey
Baptismal Preaching: Themes from the Catechumenate, Confirmation, and the
Reaffirmation of the Baptismal Vows Baptismal Vows
A Quick Guide for Ordinary Sundays with Baptismal Themes as Found in
Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary
Seasonal Preaching and Preaching for Special Occasions
The Service of Holy Baptism
Architecture and Accoutrements
Preaching and Teaching Moments
The History of Baptism
Appendix A: The Question of Open Commmunion
Appendix B: Sample Baptismal Sermons