Loss of teeth causes difficulty in mastication and speaking which requires replacement to provide lost function and esthetics as well as psychological benefit.A prosthodontist must combine his skills in the field of Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Restorative dentistry to restore a dentition effectively. He must be capable of making an accurate diagnosis, which includes condition of remaining teeth, their supporting structures, occlusal relationship of teeth and articulation of jaws. All these factors play a very important role in replacement of missing teeth by prosthesis that include precision attachments. Unfortunately, most often precision attachments are chosen from descriptions in commercial catalogues. A dentist must base his techniques on both sound biological principles and mechanical considerations. Then precision attachment becomes what it should be, a beautiful example of bio-engineering that will be compatible with the continuing health of masticatory apparatus. I hope that this book will help the reader anticipate problems, overcome obstacles and master the basic technique of attachment retained denture construction - the rest will follow.