Part I. Preference and Demand: 1. Preference and rational choice in the theory of consumption
2. On the integrability of demand functions
3. Time preference, the consumption function, and optimum asset holdings
Part II. Duality and Production: 4. Duality principles in the theory of cost and production
5. Production functions with constant elasticities of substitution
6. Neutral inventions and the stability of growth equilibrium
7. Optimum technical change in an aggregative model of economic growth
Part III. Concave Programming: 8. The Kuhn-Tucker theorem in concave programming
9. Iterative methods for concave programming
10. Prices of the factors of production in international trade
Part IV. Equilibrium and Stability: 11. Walras's existence theorem and Brouwer's fixed-point theorem
12. On the stability of Edgeworth's barter process
Part V. Theory of Economic Growth: 13. On a two-sector model of economic growth, I
14. On a two-sector model of economic growth, II
15. Time preference and the Penrose effect in a two-class model of economic growth
16. On the dynamic stability of economic growth: the neoclassical versus Keynesian approaches
Part VI. Optimum Growth: 17. Optimal growth in a two-sector model of capital accumulation
18. Optimum fiscal policy in an aggregative model of economic growth
19. On the economics of social overhead capital