Present day human resource management book will give readers a thorough knowledge and understanding of the role the human resource plays in organizations. Each chapter is short, clear, precise and to the point. It is long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to arouse the curiosity. The sequence of the topics discussed is as follows; Introduction to HRM, Strategic HRM, HR Consultants, Options for handling your HR functions, Job design and pay, Recruitment and selection, Interview techniques, Onboarding of new employees, Training and appraisal, Business culture, Employee motivation, Employee relations and Industrial discipline. The second last chapter takes a look at managing change in an Organisation and the last chapter is on succession planning. Lastly, the author has recommended this book as a reference material for business professionals working in the area of Human Resources, and as a textbook for Tutors and Lecturers in Colleges and Universities, or to learners who are pursuing a career in this area.