Innovation and technopreneurship is still an evolving discipline. This book introduces the subject innovation as a product of applied research, it starts by introducing creativity as a starting point of a technopreneurial process and then looks at Schumpeter's Creative destruction. Innovation is later on discussed in relation to invention, various sources of innovation, types as well as diffusion of innovation was looked at. Value of experimentation to innovation success as well well as reasons for innovation failure were discussed. Technopreneurship has been explained, as well as an explanation on how it is related to entrepreneurship, technology has been also discussed and the vicious cycle of technology. Qualities of technopreneurs were explained together with a comparison of technopreneurs and entrepreneurs. The book winds up with looking at developing a framework for launching high tech ventures. The English as been kept simple and clear. This is a must read book for technopreneurs, entrepreneurs, innovators and business students.