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A Growing Health Crisis ?An illuminating discussion of the complex problems of HIV/AIDS within the correctional setting, including its impact on the families and communities of those incarcerated. - Mervyn F. Silverman, M.D., MPH, former director of health, San Francisco, former president, American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) The first book to offer critical information on the proliferation of HIV and AIDS among prison populations, this is a much-needed resource for the design and implementation of education and prevention programs within correctional facilities.

A Growing Health Crisis ?An illuminating discussion of the complex problems of HIV/AIDS within the correctional setting, including its impact on the families and communities of those incarcerated. - Mervyn F. Silverman, M.D., MPH, former director of health, San Francisco, former president, American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) The first book to offer critical information on the proliferation of HIV and AIDS among prison populations, this is a much-needed resource for the design and implementation of education and prevention programs within correctional facilities.
RONALD L. BRAITHWAITE Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University and adjunct associate professor in the Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine where he formerly directed a Health Promotion Resource Center. He is the co-editor of Health Issues in the Black Community (1992, Jossey-Bass). THEODORE M. HAMMETT Ph.D., is a vice president at Abt Associates Inc, a policy research firm. His work has focused on public health, corrections, and criminal justice. ROBERT M. MAYBERRY M.P.H., Ph.D., is the director of the Morehouse Medical Treatment Effectiveness Center and associate clinical professor, Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine at the Morehouse School of Medicine.
?Drs. Braithwaite, Hammett and Mayberry clearly paint the pictureof what can happen in a society when it politicizes a major healthissue and allows young people to perish for lack of knowledge. . .. We must decide if we want to build bigger, better incubators forcrime, tuberculosis and HIV to release in society or if we want todevelop healthy educated citizens with hope.? --M. Joycelyn Elders,M.D., former United States Surgeon General

?Required reading for elected officials, correctionsadministrators, policy makers and anyone interested inunderstanding that it is within our grasp to make major strides inour fight against the spread of HIV infection.? --Edward A.Harrison, president, National Commission of Correctional HealthCare

?An illuminating discussion of the complex problems of HIV/AIDSwithin the correctional setting, including the impact on thefamilies and communities of those incarcerated." --Mervyn F.Silverman, M.D. MPH, former director of health, San Francisco,former president, American Foundation for AIDS Research(AmFAR)

?The significance of the findings and the policy options, make thisbook fundamental reading for anyone interested in the implicationsfor public health.? --Caswell A. Evans, Jr. DDS, MPH,immediate-past president, American Public Health Association

"There is a great deal of useful information in this book thatshould be understood by all of those in criminal justice andcorrectional rehabilitation. A recommAnded book for all medical andacademic libraries as well as state correctional institutions."--????????

"This timely, well-written, comprehensively documented, andcompellingly argued book provides the template for action." --NancyNeveloff Dubler, LL.B., Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, NewEngland Journal of Medicine