Novice teachers always need courage and support as they step into the classroom, with all its challenges and demands. This book is Part III of a series that the author has started earlier with Part I: School, First Step towards Motivation. Then, Part II: Learning in the Classroom. So, this book is Part III: Problem-Solving in Educational Issues. It'll offer classroom cases in 5 different educational areas. The role of the novice teacher is to think of solutions after analysing the cases, and later to apply what suits the situation in the classroom with his students/ learners.The book, in other words, presents cases to reflect on and study them to broaden the way a teacher perceives the learning process.As teachers and educators, we should never forget that there is no one-way solution. What determines our choices is the situation itself, on one hand, and learners, on the other hand.Let's dig deep into those educational issues together to find solutions that would improve our practices with our learners in the classroom.