This report was developed due to a collaborative event surrounding the creation of a reception desk made of Low Temperature Fused Recycled Glass. Having established the material to be used for the reception desk, the process began with the creation of two thicknesses of Low Temperature Fused Recycled Glass, which would then be cut to size to create forty test specimens. The test specimens were made to subject them to an impact event using a specifically made impact tester. Using a practice-based approach together with scientific experimentation, it was found that coating the glass specimens with a recyclable epoxy resin did enhance the specimen's ability of withstanding an impact event. To gain a firm understanding of glass and its characteristics a comparative approach to two similar materials to glass, marble and granite, was undertaken. By investigating the makeup of both marble and granite together with current test methods surrounding them, the quantitative data gained aidedin the creation of a new and innovative way of testing Low Temperature Fused Recycled Glass.