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CONTENTS: Editors’ Note KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Abdulaziz, Mohamed H.: Some Issues of Concern in the Linguistics of African Languages Bamgbose, Ayo: African Language Use and Development – Aspirations and Reality Newman, Paul: Writing a Reference Grammar of an African Language – Conceptual and Methodological Issues Williamson, Kay: Towards Reconstructing Proto-Niger-Congo I. LANGUAGE IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY Barrett, Steve / Casad, Eugene H.: What they say and what they do Dobronravin, Nikolai: Hausa, Songhay and Mande Languages in Nigeria – Multilingualism in Kebbi and Sokoto Essien, Okon: What is in…mehr

CONTENTS: Editors’ Note KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Abdulaziz, Mohamed H.: Some Issues of Concern in the Linguistics of African Languages Bamgbose, Ayo: African Language Use and Development – Aspirations and Reality Newman, Paul: Writing a Reference Grammar of an African Language – Conceptual and Methodological Issues Williamson, Kay: Towards Reconstructing Proto-Niger-Congo I. LANGUAGE IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY Barrett, Steve / Casad, Eugene H.: What they say and what they do Dobronravin, Nikolai: Hausa, Songhay and Mande Languages in Nigeria – Multilingualism in Kebbi and Sokoto Essien, Okon: What is in a Name? A Linguistic and Cultural Explication of Ibibio Personal Names Noss, Philip A.: “Language of the Streets” and Editorial Commentary in Cameroon Van der Veen, Lolke: Étude de la dénomination des troubles pathologiques en Afrique centrale bantoue II. LANGUAGE IN TIME AND SPACE Blench, Roger: Revising Plateau – Recent Research on the Languages of Central Nigeria Cloarec-Heiss, France: Mesures dialectales en 3 dimensions – application à une aire dialectale hétérogène, l’aire banda Connell, Bruce: The Integrity of Mambiloid Djarangar, Djita Issa: Essai de classification des langues sara Gregersen, Edgar E. : Some Thoughts on Afro-Dravidian Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé / Buba, Malami: Hausa Loan Words in Yorùbá Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude: Situation linguistique dans le sud de l'Erythrée III. PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY Akinlabi, Akinbiyi / Urua, Eno: Tone in Ibibio Verbal Reduplication Awoyale, Yiwola: The Phonological Structure of Yoruba Ideophones Creissels, Denis: A Domain-Based Approach to Setswana Tone Labroussi, Catherine: Spirant-Devoicing and Genetic Classification in Eastern Bantu Nicolaï, Robert: Voyelles nasales ou consonnes aspirées nasales en songhay (approche de la marginalité) Olawsky, Knut J.: Tone Patterns and Morphology in Dagbani – The Prosodic Structure of Nouns Olson, Kenneth S. / Schrag, Brian E.: An Overview of Mono Phonology Watters, John R.: Tone in Western Ejagham (Etung) – The Case of Lexical and Postlexical Tone on Nouns IV. GRAMMAR AMD LEXICON Attouman, Mahaman Bachir: L’opposition occurrence ouverte /occurrence fermée à travers le système aspectuel du hawsa Bonato, Jasmina: Surprise! Surprise! How the Future Tense is Used to Mark Dramatisation in Twi (Akan) Narrative Discourse Bosch, Sonja E.: On the Conceptualization of Possession in Zulu Buba, Malami: On the Deictic Features of Speaker-Based Hausa Demonstratives Echeruo, Michael J. C.: The Igbo Verb and the Lexicon Gauton, Rachélle: Locative Noun Classes in Bantu – The Case for Recognizing Two Additional Locative Noun Class Prefixes Gottschligg, Peter: Subject Choice of Applicative Verbs in North-Atlantic Heusing, Gerald: Defective Double Object Constructions in Lamang (Central Chadic) Hutchison, John P.: Predicate Focusing Constructions in African and Diaspora Languages Kalchofner, Peter: Stative Verbs in Twi (Akan) Kießling, Roland: Verb Classes in Nilotic – Evidence from Datooga (Southern Nilotic) Koopman, Adrian: Morphological Interference in Bantu Adoptives Kulemeka, Andrew Tilimbe: The Ideophone Predicate – A Case of Verbless Sentences in Chichewa Mickala-Manfoumbi, Roger: Les noms complexes en punu (B43) Naït-Zerrad, Kamal: Auxiliaires Temporels en Berbère Nicolle, Steve: The Swahili Object Marker – Syntax, Semantics and Mythology Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé: The Verb ‘go’ in Àkókó Yorùbá Roulon-Doko, Paulette: La polysémie du terme nÁ en gbaya 'bodoe Schaefer, Ronald P. / Egbokhare, Francis: Emai Preverb Order Tourneux, Henry: La formation du pluriel en kotoko Uwalaka, Sr.: Parasitic Gaps Revisited Vanhove, Martine: Notes sur les verbes statifs en afar de Tadjoura (Djibouti)