This volume presents proceedings from the 19th IFIP World Computer Congress in Santiago, Chile. The proceedings of the World Computer Congress are a product of the gathering of 2,000 delegates from more than 70 countries to discuss a myriad of topics in the ICT domain. Of particular note, this marks the first time that a World Computer Congress has been held in a Latin American country.
Topics in this series include:
- The 4th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
- Education for the 21st Century- Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
- Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks
- Ad-Hoc Networking
- Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security, and Mobility
- The Past and Future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and Beyond
- History of Computing and Education
- Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing
- Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice
- Applications in Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software
The Second Symposium on Professional Practice in AI 2006 is a conference within the IFIP World Computer Congress 2006, Santiago, Chile. The Symposium is organised by the IFIP Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Technical Committee 12) and its Working Group 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications). The First Symposium in this series was one of the conferences in the IFIP World Computer Congi-ess 2004, Toulouse France. The conference featured invited talks by Rose Dieng, John Atkinson, John Debenham and Max Bramer. The Symposium was a component of the IFIP AI 2006 conference, organised by Professor Max Bramer. I should like to thank the Symposium General Chair, Professor Bramer for his considerable assistance in making the Symposium happen within a very tight deadline. These proceedings are the result of a considerable amount of hard work. Beginning with the preparation of the submitted papers, the papers were each reviewed by at least two members of the international Program Committee. The authors of accepted papers then revised their manuscripts to produce their final copy. The hard work of the authors, the referees and the Program Committee is gratefully aclaiowledged. The IFIP AI 2006 conference and the Symposium are the latest in a series of conferences organised by IFIP Technical Committee 12 dedicated to the techniques of Aitificial Intelligence and their real-world applications. Further infoirmation about TC12 can be found on our website http;//
Topics in this series include:
- The 4th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
- Education for the 21st Century- Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
- Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks
- Ad-Hoc Networking
- Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security, and Mobility
- The Past and Future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and Beyond
- History of Computing and Education
- Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing
- Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice
- Applications in Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software
The Second Symposium on Professional Practice in AI 2006 is a conference within the IFIP World Computer Congress 2006, Santiago, Chile. The Symposium is organised by the IFIP Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Technical Committee 12) and its Working Group 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications). The First Symposium in this series was one of the conferences in the IFIP World Computer Congi-ess 2004, Toulouse France. The conference featured invited talks by Rose Dieng, John Atkinson, John Debenham and Max Bramer. The Symposium was a component of the IFIP AI 2006 conference, organised by Professor Max Bramer. I should like to thank the Symposium General Chair, Professor Bramer for his considerable assistance in making the Symposium happen within a very tight deadline. These proceedings are the result of a considerable amount of hard work. Beginning with the preparation of the submitted papers, the papers were each reviewed by at least two members of the international Program Committee. The authors of accepted papers then revised their manuscripts to produce their final copy. The hard work of the authors, the referees and the Program Committee is gratefully aclaiowledged. The IFIP AI 2006 conference and the Symposium are the latest in a series of conferences organised by IFIP Technical Committee 12 dedicated to the techniques of Aitificial Intelligence and their real-world applications. Further infoirmation about TC12 can be found on our website http;//