Technological gadgets are indispensable for human life. They are designed, and manufactured, than purchased and used by consumers to make life easier, for making certain tasks faster and more precise. These products have to satisfy the consumer technically, economically and psychologically. The consumer owns these products because of a need or just because he/she desires it and, after some experience with the product, if the consumer is disconfirmed and disappointed, he/she quits using the product which later become idle and subsequently non-used. This study discusses the general issues of need, want, purchase motivations, pre-purchase consumer expectations and post-purchase experience, satisfaction/dissatisfaction through the literature survey. Progressive obsolescence and product non-use were analysed through a field study which was conducted as in-depth-interviews among kitchen appliance users. It has been seen that progressive obsolescence and product non-use is mostly affected by usability of products, by the changing needs and changing life style and by the emerging of new technologies.