The school dropout in technical courses in computer science at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Goiano - Campos Belos Campus is the object of study. Due to students feel pressured with the high demand for skills development. In order to contribute to mitigate the evasion, prepare young people to deal with the pressure generated by the collection and discipline that the Federal Institute demands, the case study conducted on evasion of technical courses in computer science of IF Goiano and points out the project management as a didactic-pedagogical tool that will provide security, stability, efficient communication and organization to young people in order to enjoy the education and growth opportunity offered. It presents the impacts and correlation of the results achieved with the project management as a tool capable of mitigating the school dropout and for that propose the perspective of student life as a project that has a beginning, middle and end and will obtain a single result as conceptualized by the PMBOK Guide.
The school dropout in technical courses in computer science at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Goiano - Campos Belos Campus is the object of study. Due to students feel pressured with the high demand for skills development. In order to contribute to mitigate the evasion, prepare young people to deal with the pressure generated by the collection and discipline that the Federal Institute demands, the case study conducted on evasion of technical courses in computer science of IF Goiano and points out the project management as a didactic-pedagogical tool that will provide security, stability, efficient communication and organization to young people in order to enjoy the education and growth opportunity offered. It presents the impacts and correlation of the results achieved with the project management as a tool capable of mitigating the school dropout and for that propose the perspective of student life as a project that has a beginning, middle and end and will obtain a single result as conceptualized by the PMBOK Guide.
The school dropout in technical courses in computer science at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Goiano - Campos Belos Campus is the object of study. Due to students feel pressured with the high demand for skills development. In order to contribute to mitigate the evasion, prepare young people to deal with the pressure generated by the collection and discipline that the Federal Institute demands, the case study conducted on evasion of technical courses in computer science of IF Goiano and points out the project management as a didactic-pedagogical tool that will provide security, stability, efficient communication and organization to young people in order to enjoy the education and growth opportunity offered. It presents the impacts and correlation of the results achieved with the project management as a tool capable of mitigating the school dropout and for that propose the perspective of student life as a project that has a beginning, middle and end and will obtain a single result as conceptualized by the PMBOK Guide.