Propagation,conservation and preservation are the real essential terms for the conservation of our mother Earth. Bamboo is a socioeconomically and environmentally very important forest and homestead crop in Asia, conserve & enrich soil. This book is a research oriented post doctoral contributions containing propagation and preservation of important bamboos of Asia to conserve the vital segment of global environment- forests. This book on bamboos shall positively introduce and unfold: bamboos of the world; their morphology and distinguishing fonts; propagation and nursing techniques; various preservation principles and preservatives; their classifications and applications; treatability and treatment groups; techniques for slow and accelerated fixation of preservative in bamboos for environmental safety- to the related students, researchers, teachers, conservators, merchants, preservers, buyers and users. Several documentary photographs and statistical graphs along with the text and data of applied issues performed the real need of propagation and conservation of bamboos and beneficiary effects of preservative treated bamboos for long-term indoor, outdoor and ground contact usages.