This book was written to explain some prophetic scriptures that are difficult to understand which are not easily explained without the revelation of Holy Spirit. So even though l have tried to explain, you will find words that are still difficult to understand but clear.Indeed the study of Eschatology says mainly of what Will happen shortly before, and after Jesus' coming is commonly known in the book of John and Daniel. This book can help those who are mature in scriptures of revelation who have already gained a better understanding.So after a long period of struggle in Colling's school, I was strengthened by the power of God that prompted me to write about the books of John and Daniel.I continued to Feel the anointing of the teaching at the end time, and God continued to Thirst in me. Then, I found it necessary to share my inspiration with others in leaflets until the Ideas of producing a book like this came up. So read it quietly so that the Holy Spirit reveals you the end secret.I have written down what comes from the revelation not what I have compiled in other books else; and this is why the reader Will not find many references to books other thank the Holy Scriptures.