Since 1989, with the fall of the Iron Curtain, the dislocation of the USSR and the reunification of Germany, we have entered a world system that some find complex to qualify: post-bipolar, multi-polar, inter-polar or multilateral? The fall of the USSR caused an imbalance in the qualification of the international system and this was done in parallel with a movement of intensification of international relations, a trend that contributed to the complexity of deciphering life in international society. The collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Empire marked the end of the East-West logic and the bipolar world that had structured international relations since the end of the Second World War. We enter then in a new phase, which moreover allowed us to observe the change in the redistribution of the powers between the States known as of the center (powerful States) and a fast and overestimated emergence of the countries of the peripheries (undeveloped countries) them, which succeededin forcing the door of entry in the course of large.