Dental Implantology is the term used today to describe the fixation of alloplastic materials to the jaws to support and retain prosthetic replacements for missing teeth. Currently, various modalities of treatment are available to replace missing teeth. However, the choice of modality selected for a particular patient depends on the number and factors such as status of remaining teeth, space available, adequacy of bone support, cost, and patient's desire. These treatment modalities include removable partial denture, fixed partial denture and implant supported fixed partial denture. However, removable partial denture (RPD) is still the primary treatment option from the patients' view because an implant-supported denture is very expensive, requires a surgical procedure and a longer treatment time compared to treatment with RPD.Implant dentistry is similar to all aspects of medicine in that treatment begins with a diagnosis of the patient's condition. Most treatment options are derived from the diagnostic information obtained. Conventional dentistry has limited treatment options for edentulous patients.