The cleft lip and palate is a congenital defect with the presence of an oronasal communication, malformation or agenesis of the teeth close to the cleft and deficient sagittal and transverse growth of the maxilla. The increased knowledge in the nature of the defect and more normal participation in the community life has attracted various specialists to aid in their rehabilitation. This in turn has led to the development of different treatment philosophies. Cleft of hard and soft palates are treated with various surgeries. Initially cheiloplasty was performed in the first months and in later years of life palatoplasty is carried out. Associated with these surgical advantages there has also been a need for cleft palatal prosthesis since rehabilitation is not limited to anatomical repair of cleft. Depending on the type and extent of cleft, several functional and morphological aspects such as speech, hearing, developing of occlusion and craniofacial growth may be damaged and requiresintervention by multidisciplinary team at appropriate time for achievement of integral rehabilitation.