While most textbooks on bioinformatics focus on genetic algorithms and treat protein structure prediction only superficially, this course book assumes a novel and unique focus. Adopting a didactic approach, the author explains all the current methods in terms of their reliability, limitations and user-friendliness. She provides practical examples to help first-time users become familiar with the possibilities and pitfalls of computer-based structure prediction, making this a must-have for students and researchers.
"...this is a uniquely educational book, ideal as a teaching manual, especially for undergraduate students studying this fast-changing discipline, and for graduate students from other areas of science who want to quickly grasp the basics of protein structure prediction. Excellent value for money!" - ChemBioChem
"...Das Buch versucht nicht, die bekanntermaßen schwierige Frage nach den zukünftigen Aussichten im Bereich gering homologer Strukturen zu beantworten; vielmehr gibt es dem Leser Informationen an die Hand, die ihn den aktuellen Stand der Forschungen beurteilen lassen. Es dient als Leitfaden für Forscher, die Methoden der Proteinstrukturvorhersage auf ein bestimmtes Problem anwenden oder die mit den beschriebenen Methoden erstellten Modelle qualitativ vergleichen wollen..."
Analytical and Bioanalytical, 08/2007
Analytical and Bioanalytical, 08/2007