Written during a time characterized by catalyzing Indigenous environmental movements such as Idle No More, political upheaval, and the final years of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Protest as Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Indigenous Environmental Movements was motivated by Gregory Lowan-Trudeau's personal experiences as an activist, educator, and researcher. Insights from interviews with activists and educators in a variety of school, community, and post-secondary contexts are presented in relation to teaching and learning during, and in response to, Indigenous environmental movements. Looking toward future possibilities, the rise of renewable energy development by Indigenous communities across Canada is also considered. Throughout Protest as Pedagogy, these inquiries are guided by a theoretical framework built on concepts such as decolonization, Herbert Marcuse's repressive tolerance, Elliot Eisner's three curricula, and broader fields of study such as social movement learning, critical media literacy, Indigenous media studies, and environmental communication.
"In Protest as Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Indigenous Environmental Movements, Gregory Lowan-Trudeau carefully and eloquently integrates inquiry, scholarship, and narrative while demonstrating the pedagogical potential of Indigenous environmental movements, as well as the social movement potential of education. He shows that whatever one means by contested terms such as 'decolonization' and 'reinhabitation,' these concepts remain mere abstractions unless one begins to live within the tangle of possibilities they suggest. This book helps us see how the meanings of social change and cultural reinvention need to be constantly revised as we develop embodied practices of becoming in relation to others who are also becoming."-David Greenwood, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Education, Lakehead University